Residency Application
Step 2 :

Submit Written Materials

Submit the following written materials to :

  • Please include all that is applicable of the following information:

    Contact Information: Full Name, email address, and phone number

    Previous Formal Education: All educational institutions attended & degrees received

    Other Musical Training: Ex/ private lessons, programs of study, masterclasses, workshops, etc.

    Voice Part/Instrument Type: What voice part(s) do you sing, what instrument(s) do you play, do you conduct regularly, and what is your brief experience with each (Ex/ years of study, performance, and/or teaching)

    Previous Musical Experience: List your major musical experiences that are relevant to performing, teaching, and/or directing music

    Church Involvement & Leadership: Ex/ church choir director, reader, youth group leader, member of a parish committee, etc.

    Other Skills and/or Experiences: List any other of your skills and/or experiences that may speak of your qualifications as a choir director in the Orthodox Church

  • Please explain why you are interested in being a resident in the St. Tikhon’s Music Program & what you hope to gain from the experience.

  • We would like two reference letters:

    A Personal Reference: parish priest or spiritual father

    A Musical Reference: musical mentor or instructor who can speak of your work and study ethic.

    Note—The references must not be related to you.

    Please have your references email their recommendation letters directly to:

    As well, please provide the names, email addresses, and phone numbers for your two references; this allows us to contact them directly, if there is any issue in receiving your recommendation.